Question: I have an older 4TB hard drive by Western Digital that is full of important stuff I’ve been holding on to for many years but one day I turned on the computer and the hard drive no longer shows under my computer. I have connected the hard drive internally and with a docking station with nothing showing up, even connected it to a different computer and still nothing. There is no clicking or any bad noises you might expect. Hard drive still runs, I can feel it moving inside the case. Does anybody know how to recover the data?
I have an older 4TB hard drive by Western Digital that is full of important stuff I’ve been holding on to for many years but one day I turned on the computer and the hard drive no longer shows under my computer. I have connected the hard drive internally and with a docking station with nothing showing up, even connected it to a different computer and still nothing. There is no clicking or any bad noises you might expect. Hard drive still runs, I can feel it moving inside the case. Does anybody know how to recover the data?
From your description, you can’t.
The OS does not see it.
Possibly there is some diode or cap on the PCB that can be replaced, but that is a 100% maybe.
“…full of important stuff…”
Should never ever live in one place.
Drive space is cheap (or free) these days, and backup software is free. There is little excuse for not having actual backups.