Question: Hi guys
I need to get some more storage capacity, about 6TB or so. Which will be quieter and internal or external HDD?
Cheers, Andrew
okay an external 8tb 3.5inch HDD and an internal 3.5inch HDD
Still, way too many variables.
What case
How securely is the drive mounted?
What specific drive?
What else is running in the case?
What is the case sitting on?
What is the resonant freq if that platform?
Which specific external case?
What is it sitting on?
What specific drive?
etc, etc, etc.
Generally, the drive that is inside of an external case is the same drive you’d mount internally.
And assuming non-crappy drive and mounting (either internal or external), a spinning drive should be pretty near silent.
Sound diff between internal and external should not be your deciding factor. If you need an external for whatever reason, then you get that. Otherwise, mount it internally.