Question: I have an 3TB external disk and Windows XP 32 bit.It works as a USB 2 disk with its enclosure, but I want to use it as an internal SATA disk.I don’t want to use it as a boot disk, only as a data disk.I understand that normally I need GPT (GUID partition table), and then I can’t use Windows XP 32 bit anymore. I would prefer to avoid this.But what I did not understand by googling around is: can I partition the disk in 2 parts (so that each part is less than 2TB) with MBR and use it in Windows 32-bit? If yes, which tools do I need?
Answer: You could use Paragon GPT Loader ($19.95) which :
- Allows the use of all disk space on a 2.2TB+ drive under Windows XP
- Augments Windows XP by adding support for GPT disks
Or you could use the free GIGABYTE 3TB+ Unlock Utility to create two virtual drives on the disk : 2TB + 1TB, if your motherboard is on the supported list.