Question: I’m looking for a way to capture and visualize used disk space over time. All I need is one number– bytes used on disk. I store a lot of photos on my computer, so I need a way to estimate when I’ll need more hard drive space. If there’s a way to capture used disk space with hourly resolution that would be great, but even daily resolution is fine. I don’t even need a visualization of the data; as long as the data is easily exportable to Excel, I can create my own graph and extrapolate.
I’ve seen many disk space visualization programs like WinDirStat and TreeSizeFree, but they don’t have a way to automate capturing disk space usage over time.
Answer: You can see used disk space over time with Windows Performance Monitor (perfmon) to the MB with down to one second resolution. This tool comes built into the latest versions of Windows so you don’t even need to download another program to see the data. It doesn’t show any previous data so you’ll only see disk space data from when you set it up. I only needed hourly data points but I tested with updates every one second and it worked fine.
Perfmon allows you to output how much free disk space you have as values to a file that are comma-separated (can be opened in Excel), tab-separated (what Excel usually uses), or binary. Using the binary output, you can visualize the data in the perfmon itself. Using one of the other output types allows you to make your own graphs of the data in Excel.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set this up:
If you selected binary, you can view the data by clicking Reports -> User Defined -> Disk Space Free in the left pane, then double clicking the item in the right pane.
If you chose comma-separated or tab-separated, you can view you data at the location you specified in step 8.