Question: In questions like this one and in websites everywhere it’s noted that SSDs use much less power than HDDs… usually citing ~2 W vs ~6 W for HDDs, my question (and sorry if its stupid just need to be exact) is that per hour? Need to calculate costs savings in power consumption if we switched all our workstations to SSDs
Answer: If your drive consumes 2 Watts for 1 hour it would have consumed 2 Watt-hours of energy.
A Watt is merely a measure of power use. It’s derived by multiplying voltage and current draw. A drive that runs at 12 V and draws 100 mA of current would consume 1.2 Watts of power.
To restate – if you ran that drive for an hour, you’d consume 1.2 Watt-hours of power.
In your case, 2 Watts vs 6 Watts, your cost would be 1/3 for an SSD vs HD. Calculations of time are unnecessary.