Question: I have a WD 4TB 2.5″ external hard drive that I unfortunately dropped and cracked the PCB. I’ve searched Ebay, Donor Drives, Newark and a few other sites for a replacement with no suck luck. Western Digital has sadly been unresponsive. The dreaded AliExpress seems to be the only source that has the same PCB revision in stock. With that said, I understand the PCB revision must be the same, but how crucial is matching the PCB sticker? Any insight and recommendations on sites to source would be great!

Model: WD40NMZW-11GX6S1
PCB Sticker: 80041-N03 AB
PCB Revision: 2060-800041-003 REV P1

Answer:For sale here:

Looks like you need to swap the BIOS chip to the new board as well otherwise it may not work properly with the new PCB.

Keep in mind, if you dropped it there could be damage to the HDD other than just the PCB.