Question: I recently installed Windows 7 Home Premium and suddenly saw that I could eject my internal hard drives:
With my previous installation (Professional), this was not possible. How could a (by definition) less advanced version of an operating system suddenly allow such a function? I didn’t change anything in my computers bios, uefi, hardware – just the os version.
Anyway, I don’t like that this is possible and I don’t want to see the icon for my internal drives – how can I remove it? Of course, it should still show for external drives connected via USB/eSATA.
Answer: Install the latest Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver or use the TreatAsInternalPort workaround.
Regedit your way to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSetservicesmsahci ?
and create a new KEY called “Controller0” inside ?Controller0, create a new KEY called “Channel0” Now inside Channel0, ?create a new DWORD called “TreatAsInternalPort” set this value to “1” ?(this sets SATA port 0 (Drive C)to no longer show up in “Safely Remove ?Hardware”)
Now, go back into the Controller0 folder again. inside Controller0, ?create a new KEY called “Channel1” Now inside Channel1, create a new ?DWORD called “TreatAsInternalPort” set this value to “1” (this sets ?SATA port 1 (Drive D)to no longer show up in “Safely Remove Hardware”)
And so on, until all internal SATA ports are set to be treated as ?Internal. My motherboard has 6 SATA ports, so I have set Channel0 to ?Channel5.