Question: I originally suspected malware, because my pointer skips and my system gets slower and slower by day. I recently had a reg entry get messed up for no reason. But after talking with some people in chat and running some tools, we found something rather interesting and don’t think its a virus. Here is the HDD report:
Here is an overall sys report:
And finally, the weird part. The numbers are not adding up and no one can figure why that is. The hard-drive is just not that slow. This has only recently become a problem, and I have made no hardware changes and no major software changes.
Can someone shed some light as to what is happening here. These numbers are not adding up at all, for this laptop.
Answer: I figured it out thanks to all the help on chat and the comments. Turns out it was the HDD, and the IO controller seems fine. I replaced the HDD with same size and speed, yet it runs faster and Linux no longer says the tmp partition is taking too long to mount. I did a raw drive copy. Problem resolved!!!!!
Thanks all for the help!