Question: A bit of background info, we were recently hit with a storm and it flooded through my window and onto my PC, but it seemed as through everything was okay – I put my hard drive in rice and it has been working fine for the past 4 days so I don’t know if this issue is because of that or not.
Tonight my computer just kinda crashed and when I turned it back on the hard drive was not showing up. I managed to work out that it was disabled in Bios for some reason, and I actually managed to enable it there by clicking around a bit. I thought this would fix it, but apparently not.
I’m now in disk management where it is showing up as Disk 2 “online” and “healthy” (forgive my lack of better terms, I’m very much a PC noob) and it seems to be allocated (except for a 128MB partion) but it is not showing up on my computer in Windows, and everything on it isn’t here. Any advice?
Can’t seem to upload a screenshot of my disk management for some reason….
I m not certain it was backed up, is there a way to check? It seems like it s still there as there is 900 odd Gb as a partition and that s about how much it had on it – mainly games, videos and pics.
If you aren’t certain it was backed up it probably wasn’t.
I might try repartitioning and reformatting it.