Question: Hi all
I have two Seagate 2tb ST2000DM001 HDDs. One with 20k hours and other with 5k. Both with CC25 FW. And a 120gb SSD to OS.
The 5k one seems like he have a sudden death.
I was using my PC normally, than I turned off the PC to clean my desk. About 30 min later I power on the PC and the Windows 10 starts without the E partition (the 5k hours 2tb HDD). Nothing on Bios, HDD regenerator, Seatools… nothing. The disk does’nt make any sound when I turn the PC on.
I have changed the sata cable and sata slot, and sata power, but nothing happened. I tryied to plug the good 2tb Seagate with cable/slot/power of the bad 2tb Seagate, and the good one starts fine.
Is this a sudden death? I’m always looking my disks status. And this Seagate was just fine. No overheating, no wrong sounds, no lag, no alerts, all fine on Crystal Disk. What can I do now? No way to RMA, it’s a 2014 HDD (and sadly with only 5k hours).
My specs:
i5 2500
2x4gb DDR3
Mobo Dell MIH61R
Zotac GT 1030 LP
LiteON 120gb SSD
2x2tb Seagate ST2000DM001
Answer:The disc heads fly above the platters on an air bearing whose height is roughly equal to the average distance between two air molecules. A speck of dust is MUCH thicker than that.
If you still wish to try, then send your PCB to They will transfer the “ROM” chip to a replacement PCB for you.