HDS722580VLAT20 Hitachi 3.5″ hard drive with a storage capacity of 82.3GB and featuring a IDE interface. HDS722580VLAT20 Hitachi Deskstar 7K250 80GB 7200RPM ATA-100 2MB Cache 3.5-inch Hard Disk Drive.
All information about the Hitachi HDS722580VLAT20 hard disk drive: technical parameters, failure symptoms, free asked questions, reviews, HDD repair and data recovery.
Hitachi HDS722580VLAT20 Technical Details:
- Hard Disk Model: HITACHI HDS722580VLAT20
- Disk Family: Deskstar 7K250
- Form Factor: 3.5″
- Capacity: 80 GB (80 x 1 000 000 000 bytes)
- Number Of Disks: 1
- Number Of Heads: 2
- Rotational Speed: 7200 RPM
- Rotation Time: 8.33 ms
- Average Rotational Latency: 4.17 ms
- Disk Interface: Ultra-ATA/100
- Buffer-Host Max. Rate: 100 MB/seconds
- Buffer Size: 2048 KB
- Average Seek Time: 8.8 ms
- Track To Track Seek Time: 1.1 ms
- Full Stroke Seek Time: 15.1 ms
- Width: 101.6 mm (4.00 inch)
- Depth: 146 mm (5.75 inch)
- Height: 25.4 mm (1.00 inch)
- Weight: 640 grams (1.41 pounds)
- Required Power For Spinup: 3100 mA
- Power Required (Seek): 7 W
- Power Required (Idle): 5 W
- Power Required (Standby): 2 W
- Manufacturer: Hitachi Global Storage Technologies
Hitachi HDS722580VLAT20 Hard Drives:
- HDS722580VLAT20, PN 14R9210, MLC BA1254, Hitachi 61.4GB IDE 3.5″ Hard Drive
- HDS722580VLAT20, PN 14R9210, MLC H71474, Hitachi 61.4GB IDE 3.5″ Hard Drive
- HDS722580VLAT20, PN 14R9246, MLC BA1027, Hitachi 82.3GB IDE 3.5″ Hard Drive
- HDS722580VLAT20, PN 14R9210, MLC BA1140, Hitachi 61.4GB IDE 3.5″ Hard Drive
- HDS722580VLAT20, PN 14R9281, MLC H71474, Hitachi 82.3GB IDE 3.5″ Hard Drive
- HDS722580VLAT20, PN 14R9246, MLC BA1254, Hitachi 82.3GB IDE 3.5″ Hard Drive
- HDS722580VLAT20, PN 08K0462, MLC BA1254, Hitachi 82.3GB IDE 3.5″ Hard Drive
Hitachi HDS722580VLAT20 Failure Symptoms:
- Electrical Failure Symptoms:
Drive is powered, but shows no sign of function;
Disk knocking as the motor fails to spin;
Clicking sound as the heads search or initialize; - Mechanical Failure Symptoms:
Clicking, grinding sounds;
Completely quiet due to ” motor freeze”;
“music” tone as the disk is powered up; - Logical Failure Examples:
Accidental deletion, accidental format, file corruption, software bugs, file system corruption, viruses and malware, and many, many more. - Firmware Failure Symptoms:
drive powers up, but is not recognised by the computer;
Drive powers up, but is recognised wrongly, sometimes with nonsensical characters;
Drive freezes during booting up; - Bad Platter Area Symptoms:
Hard disk still accessible but appear to “hang” or “sluggish”;
Constant Cyclic Redundancy (CRC) errors;
Unable to access folders or files which could be seen; - Complex Failure Model
Hitachi HDS722580VLAT20 Data Recovery & HDD Repair:
When it comes to data recovery one of the most common problems Hitachi HDS722580VLAT20 Hard Disk Drive experience is burnt circuit board(PCB). So if you will need to match a replacement PCB, it is important that you note the “Main Controller IC Number (3.5″)” or “White Label Number (2.5″)” of your current circuit board in addition to the hard drive’s “Model Number“.
Multiple Main Controller IC Number revisions:
13G0196, etc.
Multiple Sticker Number revisions:
14R9220 BA1084A, 14R9220 BA1040_, 0A29244 BA1327_, 14R9220 J41048A, etc.