Question: Everytime I start Ubuntu I get a warning message that says my hard disk is failing. Big deal, it’s just a warning, I’m a programmer, I ignore warnings (kidding).

On a more serious note: I’ve already backed up all my data that I need, but I gonna continue to use this computer until it explodes dag napbit! So how do I tell Ubuntu that I don’t care and make it stop showing me the warning?

Answer: I’m not completely sure if you’re experiencing the same kind of message that i did, but i was told that my disk has many bad sectors, so this is how i removed the warning message:

  • Open the Disk Utility from System > Administration > Disk Utility (or maybe a click on the warning will open it?)
  • Choose the disk that is failing and click the More Information link. (The link is placed to the red text that is showing you the warning)
  • Set a mark in the Don’t warn me if the disk is failing-checkbox just above the attributes in the bottom of the window.
  • I sincerely hope this will solve all of your problems.