Question: I have 2 non-system SATA HDDs which are not mapped to a dir and normally kept ‘offline’ on my Windows 7 OS. Even this way they spin up from time to time, including but not limited to windows update times.

It’s easy on Linux but, what is the best way to spin down a HDD on demand using as small 3rd party software as possible on Windows? Or even, is there a 3rd party software allowing this?

Answer: Since you are familiar with Linux, stick to the smartctl command-line utility of smartmontools. You can spin down disks with the -s switch.From the man page:


-s NAME[,VALUE], –set=NAME[,VALUE] ?standby,now – [ATA only] Places the drive in the STANDBY mode. This usually spins down the drive. The setting of the standby timer is not affected.

It requires an elevated prompt and the Linux /dev/sdX-style of referring to disks when they are unmapped, otherwise:

> smartctl.exe -s standby,now d:smartctl 6.5 2016-05-07 r4318 [x86_64-w64-mingw32-win10] (sf-6.5-1)Copyright (C) 2002-16, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.orgDevice placed in STANDBY mode

Unfortunately, there is not much to prevent Windows from spinning the disks back up again whenever it so pleases.