Question: Today I installed a new ssd for my computer but now all the hard drive storage is not showing up. To install my ssd, I unhooked the connection for the hard drive, installed the ssd nvme then followed the installation process using a usb drive. After installing windows, I tried connecting my hard drive back but it won’t show up in the task manager screen or disk management screen. I looked in the bios to see if there would be a boot option for my hard drive but there was none. I tried uninstalling the ssd again to see if the hard drive connection still works and it booted up without any problems. I looked in the bios and my hard drive shows up. When I put the ssd back in, and pressed the power button it briefly turned on then off for a few seconds and back on. I tried checking the bios to see if I could boot off of both devices but it is only allowing me to boot off of the ssd and I am still unable to see the hard drive in task manager or disk management. Anyone have any ideas to what could be causing this?


The SATA1, SATA5 and SATA6 ports will become unavailable with some conditions of M.2 devices. Please refer the manual for M.2 & SATA combination table

Time to check the manual.