Question: I heard it’s not recommended because of all the writing on the drive?

(My friend wants to know)

Answer: You don’t download bittorrent data at SSD speeds (usually). ?Why not do bittorrent on the rotational media, and do low-latency / high-speed operations on the SSD? ?The only operation that would benefit from the SSD would be the reassembly at the end which, on the whole, is probably the smallest portion of the time required for the overall transfer.

That said, check out the lifetime of the SSD. ?It is probably in total number of writes per cell. ?As such, more writes means sooner death. ?If using it for bittorrent means you would use it more, yes, it will die sooner.

Note that this applies solely to receiving files via bittorrent. ?Sending them is another story entirely, and shouldn’t affect the lifetime of the drive (since it involves only reads)