Question: Hi
Tried searching here and online can’t seem to get a proper answer
My 3yr old Seagate 2tb st2000dm006 just died :/
Need a replacement. Looking at these
ST200DM008 or the TOSHIBA P300
Or maybe the ST200DM006
All are 2tb 7200 rpm. And cost wise the same
Never used a Toshiba drive before though
Im also running a 500 GB SSD as boot drive + regular games
Use case for the HDD will be mostly media storage + games + some programs
Thanks for the help
Answer:I’d frankly just pass on the spinning drives altogether if at all possible, and get a 1 TB Crucial MX500 for $100 or so…
(For less-needed bulk storage, once can often find a 4 TB WD Red or Seagate 4 TB Ironwolf for about $99-$110 or so on sale)