Question: I’ve had some problems with the PC in the last week or so when my PSU busted and I had to purchase a new one. Now a week later I get the PSU and I manage to get everything else back running on the computer (GPU,CPU,RAM), and I had to switch my DP-cable to HDMI so that the monitor shows BIOS-menu.
The problem right now is my SSD:s. Whenever I plug them to the PSU and press the power button, everything goes on for half a second before the whole thing just shuts down. I’ve tried different power cables on the SSD which actually made the PC run a tiny bit longer but no further help from that. Different SATA-outputs won’t help either…
Could my SSD:s be salvageable or do I have to drop some � for new storages?
Answer:did you only try one SSD?
Which new power supply are you using?
reset the BIOS of the motherboard by jumper
check the SSD in a different PC/laptop
might be faulty, yes