BF41-00309A is the “PCB Number” of a Samsung hard drive board. When we want to repair a failure Samsung hard drive caused by the PCB. We usually buy a replacement board and replace it. The replacement board must have the same “PCB Number” BF41-00309A.

Samsung PCB BF41-00309A
Samsung PCB BF41-00309A

Replacing a defective hard drive PCB circuit board is not an easy swap. For most PCBs you also need to swap the “BIOS Chip” (8 pins) to make the replacement PCB compatible with your hard drive, or the PCB will not be recoginaized correctly.

PCB Versions like REV A, REV B, REV C, REV D, REV E, REV P1, REV P2, are they all compatible with each other?
Yes! They are different board versions, but they are compatible!

Is this PCB compatible with my HDD?
We can’t list all HDD models compatible with all PCBs. To find the matching HDD PCB you can unscrew your HDD and find the correct “PCB number”. In general a Hard Disk PCB is compatible a whole family of hard drives with different capacities : 20G, 30G, 40G, 60G, 80G, 120G, 160G, 200G, 250G, 300G, 320G, 400G, 500G, 750G, 1TB, 1.5TB, 2TB, 3TB, 4TB.